Congratulations On Your New Home
Congratulations to S. Tajindar Singh Rathore and to all of his family also all of the Rathore Family
Congratulations to the Newly Weds
Lots and lots of Wadaian to our dear Pavithar Singh Jangi who is the youngest son of our respected Bazurg S. Khera Singh Ji Jungi and Mata Surjeet Kaur on the auspices wedding of their Granddaughter Karam Joth Kaur.
Congratulations to S. Dalwinder Singh Rathore
Celebrating the Matha tikan of Jagraj Singh on top of the list was the name of the late S. Menga Singh Rathore and Mata Tej Kaur who are the Great, Great, grand parents of the new baby Jagraj Singh.