ੴ ਸ੍ਰੀ ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕੀ ਫਤਹਿ ॥

ਇਕ ਅਰਦਾਸਿ ਭਾਟ ਕੀਰਤਿ ਕੀ ਗੁਰ ਰਾਮਦਾਸ ਰਾਖਹੁ ਸਰਨਾਈ


Let Us Talk More About The Gurdwara Bhat Sikh Council UK (GBSCUK)

We would all like to know as to what did happen to the £600 or so that was collected at the Birmingham Gurdwara community centre in that small hall upstairs, we have asked this before but not got the answer then. Did GBSCUK get that?

First of all I must say that they have done tremendous amount of running around and collected so much money from majority of the Bhat Gurdwaras and sent money to India where their volunteers were able to buy food for the needy and supplying to all the people of the area irrespective of what their back ground were, so there is a feather in their turban for doing all that.

Then I am sure that the volunteers slipped up somewhere and were seen to be distributing Poorees and Chana at the Kissan Morcha place, instead of Dal Parshada, it looked that they were doing it a show off suggesting or they were trying to say that we are better off which did not go very well with the on lookers and the rest of the volunteers from other organisations at the Morcha what would they might have been thinking that they have more money than us, that is why they are making pooris and Chana’s. So from my point of view Gurdwaras who donated this money for the distributions.

What actually has happened is that they did not stick to the constitution and went on to help the community in India yet we were such a young organisation and did take this big step. The main thing that organisation was created to getting all the Bhat Sangat Gurdwara in UK under one umbrella and I am feeling that has not happened and when I raised the question as to how many of our Gurdwaras have paid £100, also they should have sent an account of income and expenditure, every 3 months even if they had to show a deficit but to those Gurdwaras who had emails, or who gave them the donations. I am also wondering why our Gurdwaras do not have email. What ‘up is not a happy way to do that. The other thing in the constitution was to publish a newsletter even to tell all the Gurdwara what they were going to do and what they have done already by email only.

Did we managed to get Gurdwara Bhat Sikh Council UK registered? It’s, nice to read that International Bhat Sikh council is registered charity or is it the Bhat Sikh Patrika
Las meeting on zoom were attended by only a hand full of peoples who could not make them salve available even in their Pyjamas. While they were sitting at their homes. How does the committee feel that they will get out? will see?

And now the working committee have decided to hold the next General meeting of the GBSCUK on Saturday Nov 6 which being held in the Doncaster Gurdwara Sahib Ji from 2 pm to 5 pm. In the past many, many meetings were held in the Midland Gurdwaras and where they looked after us in all aspect, no disrespect to Doncaster Gurdwara Sahib JI. Now and will also travel to Doncaster and particularly in November, these are going to be the agendas.


It is all very well that Gurdwara Rep will get their petrol paid for but they will have to travel, how near is it Doncaster from London, as well as other side of London, what they should have done was to hold a zoom meeting to decide where it was to be held and how many people would have said that that they will attend. Especially now during the winter time the midland Gurdwaras should have been approached first I am sure one of them would have said yes. Were they?

We would all like to know as to what did happen to the £600 or so that was collected at the Birmingham Gurdwara community centre in that small hall upstairs, we have asked this before but not got the answer then. Did GBSCUK get that?

We are always eager to hear from our readers with their views. It is nice to know that the 3 Midland young people were acquitted as the other side did not come to put any argument for forward I did saw some of our representatives did go to that conference
I am sorry I will not be attending because of the distant as well as the wintry weather. If our representatives wish to attend they should get nominated from the Gurdwara Sahib Ji they cannot go and say that they are our representatives. Otherwise. In the constitution it was said election to be held every 2 years with the pandemic it has gone to 3 years. Here I would like to ask all of our members to please get yourself nominated if you would like to attend this general meeting which is being held in Doncaster. Is the Bhat Sikh Patrkia or is the International Bhat Sikh Council. On the front we have said that Bhat Sangat Sandesh will be only on line and will be a periodical magazine which also means that once we have the matter it will come out looking. If any of our readers wish to put something in the public eyes then here is their chance.

Jaswant Singh Jas

Jaswant Singh Jas

Ex Deputy Lord Mayor of Cardiff