ੴ ਸ੍ਰੀ ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕੀ ਫਤਹਿ ॥

ਇਕ ਅਰਦਾਸਿ ਭਾਟ ਕੀਰਤਿ ਕੀ ਗੁਰ ਰਾਮਦਾਸ ਰਾਖਹੁ ਸਰਨਾਈ


Congratulations to S. Dalwinder Singh Rathore

Celebrating the Matha tikan of Jagraj Singh on top of the list was the name of the late S. Menga Singh Rathore and Mata Tej Kaur who are the Great, Great, grand parents of the new baby Jagraj Singh.

We would like to congratulate S. Dalwinder Singh Rathore (who is a member of our group 3) and all of his family who brought his Grandson first time to the Gurdwara to Matha Tkan him nearly all of his Rathore family was there. Dalwinder Singh is the son of late Jaswant Singh Rathore and Bibi Bachan Kaur who are the great grand parents of the baby Jagraj Singh and late S, Menga Singh ji and Mata Tej Kaur is there for are the Great, great grand parents of the baby Jagraj Singh. Dalwinder Singh is the second son of The late S. Jaswant Singh Rathore his eldest son lives in Birmingham and his third son name is Daljit Singh so lots and lots congratulation to all this Rathore family. Lot of people came to the Gurdwara and many, many full parshad was donated by all of relatives, celebrating the Matha tikan of Jagraj Singh on top of the list was the name of the late S. Menga Singh Rathore and Mata Tej Kaur who are the Great, Great, grand parents of the new baby Jagraj Singh.

S. Menga Singh Rathore was a very hard working man, when we came to Cardiff he was living with ustad S. Samoondar Singh Chandia in bottom of Bute street by the packet public bar any way this one day Parkash Singh Landa came to see my dad GY; Harnam Singh Ji Koumi and with him came S Menga Singh. Parkash Singh said that Menga Singh have quarrelled with his ustad and he has ask Menga Singh to leave the house and he is looking for some where to live. At that time we had a house in 90 Portman moor Road so I took him there and he took over the front room there he only had a bike on which he use to tie his suitcase and use to go and to sell the good to the sea men who came to Cardiff on the ship. He also had licences to go to Swansea dock as well as Haverford dock. And Pembroke docks as well. What he use to do was come to the railway station and go by train to all the docks in the wales.

And use to travel by the train and then get off at the other end and then ride the bike to the docks with his suitcase behind the bike to sell his goods. All the goods he use to sell was put in to the two cupboard in that room. Not long time after that he purchased a house in Court road and people started to call him Menga Singh Court Rodia. When he was ready to go and bring his family over he bought the house on the corner of Clive street. Menga Singh ji served on all the post of in the old Gurdwara Chair, treasure, secretary. When we were building the new Gurdwara he use to come with us to go and collect money for the new Gurdwara I can remember this one evening we spent in the Gurdwara of Harley grove when he did not feel well but soon got over that he was ok. We were some what younger then him but he use to treat us as if we were of his age this was me ,Balbir Singh Paras and Awtar Singh Chandan. Last time we met him when we went to see him in number 6 the house in the garden, but during his life he worked very hard which unable him to bring his family over. When the new Gurdwara was ready I ordered a new Nishan Sahib and Menga Singh Ji paid £900 to built the Nishan Sahib Tharra and then he managed put a plaque on it, but little time after it was taken off. This photo was taken with me and my father when we all use to go and attend different function.

Menga Singh Rathore Ji was a very kind , a Puran Gur Sikh and he did so much for the new Gurdwara before he passed away. long he will be remembered.

Jaswant Singh Jas

Jaswant Singh Jas

Ex Deputy Lord Mayor of Cardiff